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If you're trying to walk quietly on a creaky floor, DON'T tiptoe! Instead, use your whole foot, and try not to lift your feet more than an inch or two off the ground. #Daily #Productivity #Hacks
If you wake up during a dream that you were enjoying, keep very still, don't move your head, arms or legs. If you manage to drift off back to sleep there's a good chance that the same dream will resume. #Daily # Dream #Hacks
Watch out for cubital tunnel syndrome symptoms (numbness in the hand, mostly) if you put pressure on your elbow, especially when sleeping! #Daily #Health #Hacks
When an elderly parent or grandparent tells you a story multiple times, act like you are hearing it for the first time. #Daily #Social #Hacks
If someone asks you for help with something, before you give advice or make suggestions, ask them what they’ve already tried. #Daily #Social #Hacks
Sorry Guys for not posting regularly. Been busy due to Health issues. 👍✅
When at the beach, always beware the area where the waves don't crash. It often signals a rip current. #Daily #Beach #Hacks
If a bee colony has set up a hive that you need removed, don't call the exterminator. Beekeepers will relocate the hive often for free. This is an easy way to be nice to the bees and to your wallet :)
#Daily #Pets #Hacks
When stressing over something, use the 10-10-10 rule. Will it matter in 10 days? 10 months? 10 years? After getting some perspective, you’ll notice how very few things end up worth stressing over. Credit goes to my mom for teaching me this one. #Daily #Productivity #Hacks
Be careful who you vent to in work. Just because they listen, it doesn't mean that they're your friend or have your best interests at heart. #Daily #Social #Hacks
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