
EnglishLand is a Telegram Channel with 91 members. There are no reviews yet for this channel.

Leverage this Telegram channel to reach a large and engaged audience interested in diverse topics such as english speaking, top english. You can subscribe to this channel by clicking the Open button below (opens in Telegram App).

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Owner Description

📘آموزش زبان انگلیسی با تمرکز بر ابزارهای چند رسانه ای
🍃مکالمه، لغت، گرامر، اصطلاحات، عبارت ها، افعال چند
قسمتی،داستان کوتاه،موزیک

EnglishLand channel is growing at a rate of 0% and has a potential to reach 109 people. Advertising opportunities are too low for this channel but you can still reach out to the channel admin for any such opportunities.


You can join EnglishLand by clicking the Open button on top, which will open up the Telegram channel page in the browser or in the Mobile App. Now review the details and click on JOIN CHANNEL. If it is a private channel, an admin has to review and approve your request, otherwise you will get immediate access to the channel.

Channel Members
Average Post Reach
Channel Growth
Rating Index


@EnglishLand : هدفی برای خودت معين كن كه به تو انگيزه بده صبح از تخت خواب بيرون بپری! @EnglishLand
Posted on 2018-01-21 04:52:05 | Viewed 2727 times


@EnglishLand : هدفی برای خودت معين كن كه به تو انگيزه بده صبح از تخت خواب بيرون بپری! @EnglishLand

Posted on 2018-01-21 04:52:05 | 2727 views

@EnglishLand : 🔰 معادل های عبارت خسته نباشید در انگلیسی آفرین_دمت گرم_کارت خوب بود ⚜ good work ⚜ good job  ⚜ nice work  ⚜ nice job  ⚜ well done ⚜ way to go ⚜ nice move ⚜ thumbs up ⚜ big up to you ⚜ give it up ⚜ you rock ⚜ right on . @EnglishLand

Posted on 2018-01-21 04:51:31 | 2618 views

@EnglishLand : ‍ ✅ عبارات کاربردی با "🔍 As 🔎" 📛 کلمه ی "As" کاربرد های مهم و متنوعی داره ، یک سری از مهمترین هاش عبارتند از : 🔎🔹As far as I know تا آنجایی که می دانم 🔎🔹As soon as possible (ASAP) در اسرع وقت 🔎🔻As you know همانطور که می دانید 🔎🔻 U are As smart as me تو به باهوشیِ من هستی (صفت برابری) 🔎🔻As you wish هر طور مایل باشید 🔎🔹As a teacher/doctor & ... به عنوان معلم/دکتر 🔎🔹As you can see همانطور که می بینید 🔎🔻As a matter of fact در حقیقت 🔎🔻As I was walking همانطور که داشتم راه می رفتم 🔎

Posted on 2018-01-21 04:50:50 | 1812 views

@EnglishLand : من انقدر خوب هستم که تو را ببخشم اما انقدر احمق نيستم که دوباره به تو اعتماد کنم @EnglishLand

Posted on 2018-01-19 09:04:39 | 1559 views

@EnglishLand : چند اصطلاح کاربردی 1⃣To open out one's heart 🎀درد و دل کردن 2⃣ My heart is heavy. 🎀‎دلم گرفته است 3⃣Speak your heart. 🎀‎حرف دلت رو بزن 4⃣ I'm blowing some steam on. 🎀‎دارم عقده دلم رو خالی می کنم 5⃣That's just a guts feeling. 🎀‎این فقط یک احساس درونیه 6⃣That's very truthful of me. 🎀‎با تمام صداقت دارم می گم 7⃣I know what you are going through! 🎀‎می دونم چه رنجی داری میکشی @EnglishLand

Posted on 2018-01-19 09:04:06 | 1593 views

@EnglishLand : زمانها در انگلیسی حال ساده: 🍬I go حال استمراری : 🍷I am going حال کامل: 🍾I have gone آینده ساده: 🍹I will go حال کامل استمراری : 🍫I have been going آینده ساده: 🍗I will go آینده استمراری : 🌶I will be going آینده کامل: 🍉I will have gone آینده کامل استمراری : 🍋I will have been going آینده در گذشته : 🍏I would go آینده در گذشته استمراری: 🍎I would be going آینده در گذشته کامل استمراری : 🍇I would have been going آینده در گذشته کامل : 🍓I would have gone گذشته ساده : 🍅I went گذشته استمراری : 🍑I was goin

Posted on 2018-01-19 09:03:51 | 1574 views

@EnglishLand : 📙Idioms📙 🔮Pull yourself together: 💡To calm down and behave normally. ✳️ I understand that you've had a bad day, but pull yourself together and get on with your job, will you? 🔮Shape up or ship out: 💡Either start performing better or leave. ✳️ This is the last time I'm telling you to arrive on time. Shape up or ship out! 🔮Cut somebody some slack: 💡To give somebody a break/not to judge somebody severely. ✳️ I was extremely busy last week. Cut me some slack and I'll finish the report by

Posted on 2018-01-19 09:03:29 | 1176 views

@EnglishLand : ❣ پشت سر هر زن موفقی یه مردی هم وجود داره ؛ که اون پدرش هست ... @EnglishLand

Posted on 2018-01-18 17:59:44 | 1188 views

@EnglishLand : ✴️ نشان دادن بی تفاوتی : What does it make? که چی بشه؟ The hell with it! به درک! What's the use? فایده ش چیه؟ So what? خب که چی؟ Who cares? کی اهمیت میده؟ Why bother? چرا به زحمت بیفتیم؟ Do whatever you like! هر کاری دلت می‌خواد بکن. It's all the same for me! واسه من هیچ فرقی نمیکنه @EnglishLand

Posted on 2018-01-18 17:59:14 | 2045 views

@EnglishLand : با همه چیز صبورانه رفتار کن ، مخصوصا با خودت ... @EnglishLand

Posted on 2018-01-18 06:08:09 | 1051 views


By analyzing this historical data, channel owners can identify successful content strategies, understand audience preferences, and optimize their channel for better engagement and growth. This is valuable for both organic growth and for making informed decisions about monetization strategies, such as targeted advertising.

Community Index

Community Index measures the overall health and engagement of the subscriber base. It is a composite score derived from Subscriber Base Metrics such as:

  • Total Subscribers: The raw number of subscribers provides a baseline but does not reflect engagement.
  • Subscriber Growth Rate: The rate at which new subscribers are joining (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly). A high growth rate suggests a healthy and appealing channel.
  • Churn Rate: The percentage of subscribers who leave the channel over a given period. A high churn rate indicates potential issues with content or community management.
  • Active Subscriber Percentage: The percentage of subscribers who actively interact with the channel (e.g., view messages, react to polls, participate in discussions). This is a more meaningful metric than total subscribers.

Rating Index

Rating Index is a numerical score designed to represent the channel's overall quality and appeal to subscribers. Unlike a simple subscriber count, a Rating Index incorporates various factors to provide a more nuanced assessment such as Engagement Rate, Post Frequency and Consistency, Comment Quality, Active Members Percentage, Community Sentiment Analysis etc.

Aggregated Rating


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