Про линукс и 🎄 аццкую Сотону! - TELEGRAM GROUP




Про линукс и 🎄 аццкую Сотону! is a Telegram group with 204 members. There are no reviews yet for this group.

Group 'Про линукс и 🎄 аццкую Сотону!' focuses on voice & video chat, chat and you may join this group by clicking the above "Join Group" button (link opens in Telegram App).

Explore group insights and genuine user reviews for 'Про линукс и 🎄 аццкую Сотону!' group below.

Про линукс и 🎄 аццкую Сотону! GROUP WIDGET

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204 MEMBERS Get Code
How to embed the code: Click on 'Get Code' and copy + paste the HTML code shown into your website.

Про линукс и 🎄 аццкую Сотону! - GROUP DESCRIPTION

Owner Description

Запрещён толстый троллинг. Только тонкий.

Хотите установить Линукс? Руководство начинающего пользователя: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:AMD64/Installation/About/ru

Пришлите дикпик.

Наш цЫтатнег: https://t.me/linux_chat_fortunes_ru

Про линукс и 🎄 аццкую Сотону! group is growing at a rate of -6% and has a potential to reach 245 people. Advertising opportunities are too low for this group but you can still reach out to the group admin for any such opportunities.

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HOW TO JOIN Про линукс и 🎄 аццкую Сотону! GROUP?

You can join Про линукс и 🎄 аццкую Сотону! by clicking the JOIN GROUP button on top, which will open up the Telegram Group page in the browser or in the Mobile App. Now review the details and click on JOIN GROUP button. If it is a private group, an admin has to review and approve your request, otherwise you will get immediate access to the group you are interested in.

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Про линукс и 🎄 аццкую Сотону! GROUP ANALYTICS

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Про линукс и 🎄 аццкую Сотону! GROUP REVIEWS (0)

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