


Health Centre is a Telegram Channel with 150 members. There are no reviews yet for this channel.

Channel 'Health Centre' focuses on health insurance, massively multiplayer games, health, aging & geriatrics, health conditions and you may subscribe to this channel by clicking the "Open" button (opens in Telegram App).

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@healthcentre : 🔰CAUTION [CORONA]

The corona virus is large in size with a cell diameter of 400-500 micro, so any mask prevents its entry so there is no need to exploit pharmacists to trade with muzzles.

The virus does not settle in the air, but on the ground, so it is not transmitted by the air.

The corona virus, when it falls on a metal surface, will live for 12 hours, so washing hands with soap and water well will do the trick.

Corona virus when it falls on
Posted on 2020-03-12 07:29:21 | Viewed 6696 times


@healthcentre : Is the propaganda that all masks prevent the Covid 19 virus? The diameter of the Covid19 virus is only 0.12 microns. The holes of a typical surgical mask are 2–10 microns in diameter. Therefore, to prevent covid virus, wear an N95 mask with a diameter of 0.3 microns. People with symptoms and those living with them at home or in the hospital must wear the N95 mask. People who do not have a medical condition should not use the mask.

Posted on 2020-03-14 06:55:51 | 1865 views

@healthcentre : Is the propaganda that all masks prevent the Covid 19 virus? The diameter of the Covid19 virus is only 0.12 microns. The holes of a typical surgical mask are 2–10 microns in diameter. Therefore, to prevent covid virus, wear an N95 mask with a diameter of 0.3 microns. People with symptoms and those living with them at home or in the hospital must wear the N95 mask. People who do not have a medical condition should not use the mask.

Posted on 2020-03-14 06:55:51 | 1944 views

@healthcentre : Is it true that alcohol does not infect the corona virus? Alcohol cannot kill the virus. If excessive amounts of ethyl alcohol and methyl alcohol are present in the body, it can be detrimental to health. Cleaning your hands with a hand sanitizer that has more than 60% alcohol content can prevent the virus to some extent. But that is not the safest way to do so.

Posted on 2020-03-14 06:55:38 | 1830 views

@healthcentre : Is it true that alcohol does not infect the corona virus? Alcohol cannot kill the virus. If excessive amounts of ethyl alcohol and methyl alcohol are present in the body, it can be detrimental to health. Cleaning your hands with a hand sanitizer that has more than 60% alcohol content can prevent the virus to some extent. But that is not the safest way to do so.

Posted on 2020-03-14 06:55:38 | 1906 views

@healthcentre : Is it true that the corona is not infected by frequent drinking of^water and throat irritation? Propaganda is a lie. Drinking^water does not cure the Covid19. However, drinking water frequently is good for health. That would not kill the Covid19 virus

Posted on 2020-03-14 06:55:25 | 1376 views

@healthcentre : Is it true that the corona is not infected by frequent drinking of^water and throat irritation? Propaganda is a lie. Drinking^water does not cure the Covid19. However, drinking water frequently is good for health. That would not kill the Covid19 virus

Posted on 2020-03-14 06:55:25 | 1443 views

@healthcentre : If you have a runny nose, it's not Covid 19, it's a dry cough.? This is a false propaganda. Covid 19 is transmitted to others by small fluids that spread through the mouth and nose of the infected person when sneezing and coughing. Do not believe the above message.

Posted on 2020-03-14 06:55:12 | 1031 views

@healthcentre : If you have a runny nose, it's not Covid 19, it's a dry cough.? This is a false propaganda. Covid 19 is transmitted to others by small fluids that spread through the mouth and nose of the infected person when sneezing and coughing. Do not believe the above message.

Posted on 2020-03-14 06:55:12 | 1082 views

@healthcentre : How long will the virus be active on different surfaces? It is not yet known how long the Covid19 virus will be active on various surfaces. But the researchers concluded that Covid is similar to other coronaviruses. According to various studies, Covid19 and other coronaviruses can remain active for several hours to several days. But it can also change according to different circumstances (such as temperature, humidity, etc.). If there is a suspected infection, clean it with disinfectant.

Posted on 2020-03-14 06:55:01 | 1031 views

@healthcentre : How long will the virus be active on different surfaces? It is not yet known how long the Covid19 virus will be active on various surfaces. But the researchers concluded that Covid is similar to other coronaviruses. According to various studies, Covid19 and other coronaviruses can remain active for several hours to several days. But it can also change according to different circumstances (such as temperature, humidity, etc.). If there is a suspected infection, clean it with disinfectant.

Posted on 2020-03-14 06:55:01 | 1078 views

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