✈️Aviation English - TELEGRAM CHANNEL


✈️Aviation English is a popular Telegram Channel with 2,836 members. There are no reviews yet for this channel.

Channel '✈️Aviation English' focuses on tax preparation & planning, eyeglasses & contacts, aviator predictor, competitive exams, english speaking and you may subscribe to this channel by clicking the "Open" button (opens in Telegram App).

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For pilots and ATCs who strive to enhance or maintain their level of Aviation English with certified ICAO rater-examiners.
For ICAO exam preparation contact us :

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✈️Aviation English channel is growing at a rate of 9% and has a potential to reach 3403 people. Advertisers can reach out to the channel admin for any advertising opportunities within this channel.

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✈️Aviation English MOST VIEWED POST

@aviationenglishlessons : In English "reason" is not followed with the preposition OF. FOR is used instead. Probably it is easier to use "of" for Russian speaking people but it is not correct. What is the reason for an engine failure? The reason for an engine failure was ingestion of a foreign object. The reason for this disaster was an engine failure, not human factor. Frankly speaking, I don't understand the reason for this delay. But there is a collocation "FOR THE REASON OF" (под предлогом, для того чтобы, п
Posted on 2021-04-27 04:36:57 | Viewed 708 times

✈️Aviation English CHANNEL PREVIEW

@aviationenglishlessons : Quite often people use the word "badly" only in the meaning "плохо". It also has the meanings "сильно", "серьезно", "тяжело" which are more commonly used, even in Aviation English. Let's see. to be badly damaged- быть сильно поврежденным The main gear is badly damaged after the landing, we can't move on our own. To be badly wounded- быть тяжело раненным All people were alive and kicking and only two flight attendants were badly wounded. To want something badly-хотеть чего-то очень сильно I dr

Posted on 2021-05-06 05:45:54 | 310 views

@aviationenglishlessons : Live and learn as a proverb runs. Recently one of my students has told me a captivating fact. As it turns out, in case of decompression, before donning an oxygen mask, a woman needs to wipe her lipstick off. Otherwise, when it contacts with the oxygen, it may cause a burn. Indeed.. Petroleum is found in products such as petroleum jelly and certain other ointments, creams, and lotions, as well as sunscreen and even lipstick and lip balm. There are theoretical concerns that it could be flammable

Posted on 2021-05-03 03:07:11 | 498 views

@aviationenglishlessons : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9516395/Screaming-black-passenger-accuses-Southwest-Airlines-racism-ordered-flight.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490

Posted on 2021-04-27 15:33:46 | 693 views

@aviationenglishlessons : In English "reason" is not followed with the preposition OF. FOR is used instead. Probably it is easier to use "of" for Russian speaking people but it is not correct. What is the reason for an engine failure? The reason for an engine failure was ingestion of a foreign object. The reason for this disaster was an engine failure, not human factor. Frankly speaking, I don't understand the reason for this delay. But there is a collocation "FOR THE REASON OF" (под предлогом, для того чтобы, п

Posted on 2021-04-27 04:36:57 | 708 views

@aviationenglishlessons : Very often people neglect phrasal verbs. For no reason at all. Phrasal verbs are used even in phraseology.

Posted on 2021-04-24 08:11:59 | 704 views

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