European Tribalism - Mythology, European culture, survival - TELEGRAM CHANNEL




European Tribalism - Mythology, European culture, survival is a popular Telegram Channel with 5,747 members. There are no reviews yet for this channel.

Channel 'European Tribalism - Mythology, European culture, survival' focuses on campers & rvs, agriculture & forestry, agricultural equipment, forestry, livestock and you may subscribe to this channel by clicking the "Open" button (opens in Telegram App).

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European Tribalism - Mythology, European culture, survival CHANNEL DESCRIPTION

Owner Description

This channel is dedicated to promote a natural European lifestyle.


- tribalism
- nutrition
- metaphysics
- survival
- history

Blood & soil!

#tribalism #dharma #mythology #survival

European Tribalism - Mythology, European culture, survival channel is growing at a rate of -3% and has a potential to reach 6896 people. Advertisers can reach out to the channel admin for any advertising opportunities within this channel.

HOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO European Tribalism - Mythology, European culture, survival CHANNEL?

You can join European Tribalism - Mythology, European culture, survival by clicking the Open button on top, which will open up the Telegram channel page in the browser or in the Mobile App. Now review the details and click on JOIN CHANNEL. If it is a private channel, an admin has to review and approve your request, otherwise you will get immediate access to the channel.

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European Tribalism - Mythology, European culture, survival MOST VIEWED POST

@EuropeanTribalism : Add enough minerals to your nutrition plan! @EuropeanTribalism
Posted on 2021-04-26 15:22:30 | Viewed 2845 times

European Tribalism - Mythology, European culture, survival CHANNEL PREVIEW

@EuropeanTribalism : The sun is with us!

Posted on 2021-04-30 05:35:43 | 529 views

@EuropeanTribalism : On proverbs Possibly you've already met one of these idiots who will defend Christianity with pointless proverbs like: "Don't let them divide us!" Truth is: our kin is already divided into a multitude of parts. Don't be fooled! Now is the time to choose your side. Pick Christianity for love of enemies and ultimate defeat, or pick Paganism for truth and survival of your kin! May the Sky Father guide you! @EuropeanTribalism

Posted on 2021-04-29 19:00:49 | 766 views

@EuropeanTribalism : It is 'Telegram Thursday' and I want to recommend you interesting channels. Today there is a very good channel, focusing on the Greek aspect of European culture: Have a look and follow this channel! It has lots of original content. #Greek #TelegramThursday @EuropeanTribalism

Posted on 2021-04-29 03:51:08 | 706 views

@EuropeanTribalism : On Telegram Today I wanted to browse various channels, but stumbled across a recurring message: 'Access to this channel is not allowed with a version of Telegram from the Google Play Store!' Alright, so Google is censoring third-party apps. The solution: remove Telegram, if you have it from Google Play Store! Get your application 🔗directly from Telegram as APK! Installation is easy. Also consider to get other applications as APK outside of Googles service. For example: Brave, Protonmail,..

Posted on 2021-04-27 16:04:38 | 2328 views

@EuropeanTribalism : Add enough minerals to your nutrition plan! @EuropeanTribalism

Posted on 2021-04-26 15:22:30 | 2845 views

@EuropeanTribalism : If knowing that European people are the only population on Earth, creating sustainable civilizations worth living in, means being a so called 'White Supremacist', count me in. I won't feel guilt, but pride of my kin! @EuropeanTribalism

Posted on 2021-04-25 09:36:22 | 1905 views

@EuropeanTribalism : On the pyramids of Giza (3) In 🔗part one and 🔗part two I elaborated on what the pyramids are and for whom they were created. In this last part I will explain why they were built. As we know from various ancient sources, the planets once were closer to Earth and made vivid movements in the sky. Combine this with a different level of human consciousness, called bicameral mind, and you have real existing gods. At one point the planets retreated to their current position, which lead to a religio

Posted on 2021-04-22 12:45:08 | 1376 views

@EuropeanTribalism : On the pyramids of Giza (2) As shown in the 🔗previous article, we already know for whom the pyramids of Giza were built. But who were these gods, who influenced the fate of mankind? Here is the main theory (or as you wish truth) of this channel: Ra/Amun, Osiris and Horus are celestial beings (planets) who influenced mankind in antiquity, far more than they are influencing us today. Ra/Amun, the first ruler of Egypt is Saturn, the Primordial sun. Osiris, the Sky Father, is Jupiter, who took

Posted on 2021-04-20 19:27:26 | 1265 views

@EuropeanTribalism : On the pyramids of Giza (1) We need to make a field trip into ancient Egypt in order to support the main theory of this channel. We will unveil what purpose the great pyramids of Giza originally had. The Giza pyramids are cenotaphs, that is, empty "fake" graves. A contemporary theory equates the three pyramids with the three stars in the belt of Orion. Aside from the fact that Orion has no relationship to anything in Egypt, they do not correspond in placement. A more reasonable suggestion ha

Posted on 2021-04-18 17:14:18 | 1258 views

@EuropeanTribalism : When we eat meat, we also consume the life energy of the animal. It should therefore be a matter of course that we show ourselves thankful for it and do not waste anything. In earlier times, when people ^ered farm animals or hunted game, every part of the animal was used. The fur or the skin was used to make pelts and leather, feathers for pillows or arrows, the tendons for bows, the tallow for frying, soap making or skincare, the meat and organs for food and the bones were boiled to mak

Posted on 2021-04-12 17:01:54 | 1460 views

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