官方大群 @xinbi 资源大群 @xbdb 新币公群 @xbgq 每日公群 @gong 供需频道 @gongxu 新币博彩 @fucai 新币中文 @chinese 币圈频道 @biquan 天涯社区 @tianya 新币资源 @ziyuan 客服 @xbbot
@xinbi B组审核 can be started by clicking the Start button on top of this page or add it to a Group you own or administer.
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You can add @xinbi B组审核 to any Telegram Group or Super Group by first clicking the Start button on top of this page, which will open up the Telegram bot page in the browser or in the Mobile App. Now tap the three dots (or click on the profile image) which will open up a menu where you select Add to Group option. This will list all the Groups and Super Groups you are an admin, select the group for which you want to add the bot and you are done!
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