C/C++ Programming is a popular Telegram group with 17,840 members. There are no reviews yet for this group.
Group 'C/C++ Programming' focuses on hacking & cracking, programming, java (programming language), substance abuse, drug & alcohol testing and you may join this group by clicking the above "Join Group" button (link opens in Telegram App).
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International group of C/C++ programming. Only english language is allowed. Rules are in the pinned message.
All messages, media posted in this group will be under the Creative Commons Licence.
Rules - https://t.me/programminginc/453966
C/C++ Programming group is growing at a rate of 7% and has a potential to reach 21408 people. Advertisers can reach out to the group admin for any advertising opportunities within this group.
You can join C/C++ Programming by clicking the JOIN GROUP button on top, which will open up the Telegram Group page in the browser or in the Mobile App. Now review the details and click on JOIN GROUP button. If it is a private group, an admin has to review and approve your request, otherwise you will get immediate access to the group you are interested in.
2021-05-03 14:44:10 : user#609517172 : Welcome Edson! Please read the pinned message 🙂 Click the button below to unmute yourself.
2021-05-03 14:41:04 : user#762346881 : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37241364/difference-between-char-and-int-when-declaring-character/37241654
2021-05-03 14:40:01 : user#1557495012 : Okay thanks 😌
2021-05-03 14:39:48 : user#762346881 : updated this
2021-05-03 14:39:38 : user#762346881 : char letter = 'A'; int ASCII_CODE_A = (int) letter;
2021-05-03 14:38:13 : user#1557495012 : Who we convert letter into ASCII code
2021-05-03 14:30:59 : user#762346881 : how threads are created https://gist.github.com/Total-Control-9985/62bfe8a66688d1e8e227e4ce66faa00d
2021-05-03 14:28:12 : user#762346881 : before that is simply // start ExecutionManager::waitForStop(this_thread); ExecutionManager::continueThread(this_thread); // join ExecutionManager::joinThread(this_thread);
2021-05-03 14:27:42 : user#762346881 : updated gist
2021-05-03 14:22:07 : user#762346881 : Case values in narrow range If the case values are placed in a narrow range, the compiler can avoid performing a comparison for every case leg in the switch statement. In such cases, the compiler generates a jump table which contains addresses of the actions to be taken on different legs. The value on which the switch is being performed is manipulated to convert it into an index into the jump table. In this implementation, the time taken in the switch statement is much less than the time taken i
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