randgänge tech ⚡️ stuff - TELEGRAM CHANNEL




randgänge tech ⚡️ stuff is a Telegram Channel with 41 members. There are no reviews yet for this channel.

Channel 'randgänge tech ⚡️ stuff' focuses on music equipment & technology, space technology, management, pharmaceuticals & biotech, retail equipment & technology and you may subscribe to this channel by clicking the "Open" button (opens in Telegram App).

Explore channel insights and genuine user reviews for 'randgänge tech ⚡️ stuff' channel below.

randgänge tech ⚡️ stuff CHANNEL DESCRIPTION

Owner Description

ℹ️ 🆒gems from around the web, mainly technology related but sometimes not… 🔽

👉🏽 @kontaktmebot

randgänge tech ⚡️ stuff channel is growing at a rate of 0% and has a potential to reach 49 people. Advertising opportunities are too low for this channel but you can still reach out to the channel admin for any such opportunities.

HOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO randgänge tech ⚡️ stuff CHANNEL?

You can join randgänge tech ⚡️ stuff by clicking the Open button on top, which will open up the Telegram channel page in the browser or in the Mobile App. Now review the details and click on JOIN CHANNEL. If it is a private channel, an admin has to review and approve your request, otherwise you will get immediate access to the channel.

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randgänge tech ⚡️ stuff MOST VIEWED POST

@randgaenge : https://pixeldrain.com via SIA, a blockchain based, decentralized storage attempt that actually works. W/ an API and a 10GB upload limit
Posted on 2019-11-24 09:33:05 | Viewed 74 times

randgänge tech ⚡️ stuff CHANNEL PREVIEW

@randgaenge : 🔩 in case you run into a boot issue on LInux MInt 20 this recipe help me https://masterinformers.com/initramfs-unpacking-failed-decoding-failed/

Posted on 2020-09-20 15:51:51 | 14 views

@randgaenge : Pretty happy with https://firewalla.com/ – can't think of any reason not to use it

Posted on 2020-08-08 11:59:44 | 27 views

@randgaenge : https://jami.net/ - nice peer-to-peer (no server in the middle) video call thing, I can tell it works on Linux, Android, iOS.

Posted on 2020-05-27 17:47:02 | 44 views

@randgaenge : Since I'm in the USA (8wks now) my todo list got longer by the hour. That's good actually. Seems this little helper might support me properly https://todorant.com/ - as you may think it also comes with a Telegram bot.

Posted on 2020-04-21 16:43:47 | 50 views

@randgaenge : it's not the hoarders it's everyone of us contributing to shortage of … https://www.kantarworldpanel.com/en/PR/Accidental-stockpilers-driving-shelf-shortages

Posted on 2020-03-31 03:32:42 | 50 views

@randgaenge : Sia did the next step, providing now a decentralized CDN https://siasky.net/

Posted on 2020-02-19 07:44:17 | 54 views

@randgaenge : Informative bot on the corona virus for Telegram @coronaexe_bot

Posted on 2020-01-31 06:56:31 | 60 views

@randgaenge : Playing around with blockchain / smart contract backups via https://sia.tech - works fine and is cheap

Posted on 2019-12-20 18:56:24 | 70 views

@randgaenge : 😳 a very nice csv transformation tool http://www.convertcsv.com/

Posted on 2019-12-10 12:25:26 | 68 views

@randgaenge : https://pixeldrain.com via SIA, a blockchain based, decentralized storage attempt that actually works. W/ an API and a 10GB upload limit

Posted on 2019-11-24 09:33:05 | 74 views

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