Анонимный дотнетчик - TELEGRAM CHANNEL




Анонимный дотнетчик is a popular Telegram Channel with 1,763 members. There are no reviews yet for this channel.

Channel 'Анонимный дотнетчик' focuses on .net jobs, networking, data formats & protocols, network monitoring & management, vpn & remote access and you may subscribe to this channel by clicking the "Open" button (opens in Telegram App).

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Анонимный дотнетчик channel is growing at a rate of 1% and has a potential to reach 2116 people. Advertisers can reach out to the channel admin for any advertising opportunities within this channel.

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HOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO Анонимный дотнетчик CHANNEL?

You can join Анонимный дотнетчик by clicking the Open button on top, which will open up the Telegram channel page in the browser or in the Mobile App. Now review the details and click on JOIN CHANNEL. If it is a private channel, an admin has to review and approve your request, otherwise you will get immediate access to the channel.

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Анонимный дотнетчик MOST VIEWED POST

@dotnetter : #42 выпуск подкаста DotNet&More: С Новым Годом и не только Поздравляем Вас с 2021 годом! В новом выпуске мы прошлись по Вашим пожеланиям от 2021 года и по Вашей ретроспективе 2020 года, проанализировали, пофантазировали, поспорили.  Мы часто экспериментируем и нам очень важно Ваше мнение. Поделитесь им с нами в опросе: https://forms.gle/EhY3wiDHNFuc48wL7 Спасибо всем кто нас слушает. Не стесняйтесь оставлять обратную связь и предлагать свои темы. Shownotes:  0:06:32 .Net 5 0:10:39 Микросерви
Posted on 2020-12-31 16:40:44 | Viewed 306 times

Анонимный дотнетчик CHANNEL PREVIEW

@dotnetter : Article: InfoQ 2020 Recap, Editor Recommendations, and Best Content of the Year As 2020 is coming to an end, we created this article listing some of the best posts published this year. This collection was hand-picked by nine InfoQ Editors recommending the greatest posts in their domain. It's a great piece to make sure you don't miss out on some of the InfoQ's best content. By Leandro Guimarães, Arthur Casals, Charles Humble, Daniel Bryant, Johan Janssen, Manuel Pais, Renato Losio, Shane Hasti

Posted on 2021-01-01 06:45:25 | 195 views

@dotnetter : #42 выпуск подкаста DotNet&More: С Новым Годом и не только Поздравляем Вас с 2021 годом! В новом выпуске мы прошлись по Вашим пожеланиям от 2021 года и по Вашей ретроспективе 2020 года, проанализировали, пофантазировали, поспорили.  Мы часто экспериментируем и нам очень важно Ваше мнение. Поделитесь им с нами в опросе: https://forms.gle/EhY3wiDHNFuc48wL7 Спасибо всем кто нас слушает. Не стесняйтесь оставлять обратную связь и предлагать свои темы. Shownotes:  0:06:32 .Net 5 0:10:39 Микросерви

Posted on 2020-12-31 16:40:44 | 306 views

@dotnetter : Пишем игру Гонки на бумаге, C# WPF Дело было в начале 90-х, компьютера не было, но было желание поиграть в гонки ) Показал мне друг как можно на тетрадном листе бумаги в клеточку играть в гонки. А еще говорят, что есть настольная игра с такими правилами. И что чуть ли не все играли в эту игру в университете за парами. Появилась идея реализовать алгоритмы данной игры и реализовать разработку на C#, WPF. Читать далее https://habr.com/ru/post/535422/?utm_campaign=535422&utm_source=habrahabr&utm

Posted on 2020-12-31 14:40:02 | 261 views

@dotnetter : MicroFrontends With Blazor WebAssembly Wael Kdouh embarks on a mission to uncover the details behind the implementation of MicroFrontends under Blazor WebAssembly applications. I recently embarked on a mission to uncover the details behind the implementation of MicroFrontends under Blazor WebAssembly applications. This post represents a summary of my findings along with a sample application that should serve as a good starting point as you start your own journey of introducing MicroFrontends to

Posted on 2020-12-31 10:38:34 | 293 views

@dotnetter : Rider 2020.3.2 and ReSharper 2020.3.2 Released Hello everyone, From time to time, even a bugfix update needs an urgent hotfix update. Last week we published Rider 2020.3.1, which fixed several^issues from the 2020.3 release. Unfortunately, we re-introduced the RIDER-54983 issue that affected all the icons from the plugins. The icons couldn’t be displayed in the code editor, including icons […] https://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2020/12/30/rider-resharper-2020-3-2-release/

Posted on 2020-12-30 23:12:42 | 305 views

@dotnetter : ReSharper 2020.3.1 and Rider 2020.3.1 Are Here! We’ve published the first bug-fix updates for both ReSharper and Rider. Let’s look at the most important changes. ReSharper 2020.3.1 Fixed the issues with spaces being added instead of a virtual indent (RSRP-482555). Fixed the incorrect ‘Parameter type can be IEnumerable<>’ suggestion for records (RSRP-482503). Fixed Tab behavior (RSRP-482481). Fixed the false warning about the […] https://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2020/12/24/resharper-rider-2020

Posted on 2020-12-30 23:07:31 | 260 views

@dotnetter : Rider for Unreal Engine 2020.3.3 Preview: Create New Unreal Engine Class Action and Support for .ini Files Rider for Unreal Engine is now available as Public Preview, with a general release aimed for 2021. Today we are happy to share a new 2020.3.3 update that is packed with lots of long-awaited improvements. Use a patch to update to this build right from the IDE (Help | Check for Updates) if you already […] https://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2020/12/23/rider-for-ue-2020-3-2-preview/

Posted on 2020-12-30 23:02:19 | 218 views

@dotnetter : dotCover 2020.3 Improvements And Updates Time to get excited: dotCover 2020.3 is here! Get ready for quality-of-life improvements such as coverage filtering by target framework, different build modes for continuous testing, updates to provide better coverage highlighting, command-line tooling enhancements, and more! Let’s have a look. Filter Coverage Results By Target Framework With the release of .NET 5 (and .NET […] https://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2020/12/21/dotcover-2020-3-improvements-an

Posted on 2020-12-30 22:57:08 | 210 views

@dotnetter : Rider 2020.2.5: Support for Big Sur Hello everyone, We’ve just published the 2020.2.5 bugfix release for our dotnet tools – ReSharper, ReSharper C++, Rider, dotCover, dotMemory, dotTrace, and dotPeek. The main reason for this release is that we wanted Rider to run smoothly on macOS Big Sur. We fixed some issues that were preventing Rider from correctly opening and debugging projects […] https://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2020/12/18/rider-resharper-2020-2-5/

Posted on 2020-12-30 22:51:55 | 202 views

@dotnetter : Catch up with 2020’s .NET community webinars Ah, December. A great month! It provides us with some downtime, there are a number of holidays, and it’s the month where I turn 37. December also brings a chance to look back at the past year, and that’s exactly what we wanted to do in this blog post: look back at our 2020 webinars, […] https://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2020/12/17/catch-up-with-2020-s-net-community-webinars/

Posted on 2020-12-30 22:46:44 | 199 views

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