Xiaomi Malaysia Community - TELEGRAM GROUP




Xiaomi Malaysia Community is a popular Telegram group with 3,026 members. There are no reviews yet for this group.

Group 'Xiaomi Malaysia Community' focuses on dance & electronic music, dance, campers & rvs, music & dance games, hiking & camping and you may join this group by clicking the above "Join Group" button (link opens in Telegram App).

Explore group insights and genuine user reviews for 'Xiaomi Malaysia Community' group below.

Xiaomi Malaysia Community - GROUP DESCRIPTION

Owner Description

Group perkongsian pendapat, ilmu, informasi dan sebagainya berkaitan produk Xiaomi dan ROM. Dilarang sekeras-kerasnya perkongsian mengenai trik, ^o, leak ROM, piracy content, jualbeli & iklan.

Xiaomi Malaysia Community group is growing at a rate of 0% and has a potential to reach 3631 people. Advertisers can reach out to the group admin for any advertising opportunities within this group.

HOW TO JOIN Xiaomi Malaysia Community GROUP?

You can join Xiaomi Malaysia Community by clicking the JOIN GROUP button on top, which will open up the Telegram Group page in the browser or in the Mobile App. Now review the details and click on JOIN GROUP button. If it is a private group, an admin has to review and approve your request, otherwise you will get immediate access to the group you are interested in.

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Xiaomi Malaysia Community GROUP PREVIEW

2021-05-03 01:03:44 : user#131311753 : Tq atas ilmunya..

2021-05-03 01:02:46 : user#415032561 : Jgn set 30fps ori footage jdikan 24fps slow mo.. X lawa.. Ada wave nnt

2021-05-03 01:02:23 : user#131311753 : Owh...

2021-05-03 01:02:21 : user#415032561 : 60fps buat lock frame jd 24fps..smooth je

2021-05-03 01:02:05 : user#415032561 : Nk buat slow mo.. Record 4k 60fps atau 1080p 60fps..nnt masuk premier pro adjust lah

2021-05-03 01:02:00 : user#131311753 : Cmne😅

2021-05-03 01:01:46 : user#415032561 : Dn download kt ps plg sng

2021-05-03 01:01:41 : user#415032561 : Bleh edit bro😅

2021-05-03 01:01:04 : user#131311753 : Camera dia x banyk pilihan , xde timelapse, slowmo, xde vlog..😓

2020-11-29 03:32:03 : user#833097974 : Wild Rift tak pe juga, ^a OBB tapi sekejap siap

2020-11-29 03:31:53 : user#702847422 : Ya

2020-11-29 03:30:34 : user#833097974 : ML paling sekejap pun 2 jam siap Fail kecil dia tu masalah

2020-11-29 03:29:06 : user#250987774 : nak lagi senang pegi mamak minum secawan. donlot semua. ahsiappp terus balik

2020-11-29 03:29:04 : user#833097974 : ML tak penuh resources tak pe 32% dah memadai kecuali kalau HD/High lover, kena tunggu

2020-11-29 03:27:55 : user#250987774 : lebih baik sabar tunggu. daripada nak hadap storage penuh gitu. lagi leceh

2020-11-29 03:27:43 : user#82627325 : Sy selalu yg lmbt dlm game...

2020-11-29 03:27:25 : user#82627325 : Kalau move 1 file bsar tu pon sama ye

2020-11-29 03:27:02 : user#250987774 : resouce yg kt dalam punya kejap aje kot.. yg luar punya tak payah on boleh rasenya

2020-11-29 03:26:50 : user#833097974 : Pernah cuba, kekadang tak jadi Kedua, nak transfer tu ambil masa lama sangat sebab dia banyak fail kecil Kalau fail satu tapi besar, sekejap Fail banyak ii tapi kecil, lama dia tak boleh bawa bincang

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